With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas fought for 11 days where at least 240 people have been killed. Most of those deaths have been Palestinians in the territory of Gaza.
But it all started a century ago, where Britain took control over Palestine. It was inhabited by Jewish and Arab. Due to Holocaust, the ideology of Zionism was becoming more and more popular. Thousands of Jews were being moved out of Europe, and their only hope was a new country. As more Jews arrived community tension between Jews and Arabs grew on both sides. Which resulted in violence, so the UN came up with a plan to divide Palestine into two states, Israel and Palestine. But the Arabs opposed the plan and waged a war against Israel.
After the war, Israel took over most of Palestine, with only Gaza being controlled by Egypt and West Bank being controlled by Jordan. Jerusalem was divided into two. The east being controlled by Jordan while the west part is controlled by Israel. But the war was never over, the Israeli and the Arabs fought various wars over the decades for a piece of land. Many international organizations and countries tried to de-escalate the situation but nothing proved to be helpful.
The situation is getting deteriorated by the rise of Zionism, current extremists, and tyrannical government on both sides. Many people of Israel do not agree with their PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Due to this conflict, Gaza saw unemployment rise by 40%, people on both sides want normal and peaceful lives but instead, they just get a day-to-day protest and violence.
The international media sees the conflict as a religious conflict, but rather it is more of a conflict for a piece of land. The people on both sides want peace then how-come the government is skeptical and is using the conflict and violence to remain in power. Someone has rightly said with great power comes great responsibility. Israel being the more powerful among them has to take the first initiative to bring peace.
Does the story ring any bell or did you find any similarity? India and Pakistan have been fighting for decades, not because of religious differences but just because of a piece of land. We are way much stronger than our neighbors be it economically or defensively. So being the more powerful one, we have more responsibility in bringing peace in both the nations. We have to take the first step, we have to hold out our hand. The people want normal and peaceful lives on both sides, don’t let the government try to fool us and try to escalate the conflict while they fill their vote banks and remain in power.